About the Sustainable Florist
The Sustainable Florist is an independent quality label that florists can use to show that they are operating sustainably. The florists can receive a bronze, silver, or gold certificate, depending on the number of points they achieve. Besides the general requirements that sustainable florists must meet, they can score points with optional measures. For example, a silver florist must purchase 30% sustainably. Independent certification agencies check whether the requirements are met.
View a compact summary of the criteria in the factsheet.
Major growth
The certificate is experiencing significant growth. Meanwhile, the counter stands at over 400 certified florists. The flower dispatch service Fleurop, for example, has set a goal for all of its affiliated florists to be certified for the Barometer Sustainable Florist. FloraNL and the Sustainable Florists Group are also promoting certification.

Why certify?
Flowers are a natural product, but that does not automatically mean that their production does not harm the environment or that they are not sprayed. By imposing strict requirements on various themes, florists with the Sustainable Florist label are making substantial efforts to reduce their environmental impact. Moreover, sustainable florists make their business operations more sustainable.
Would you like to certify for the Sustainable Florist? Click on the button below.