Would you like to buy sustainable flowers? You can do so at one of the florists certified by the Barometer Duurzame Bloemist. The quality label is for Dutch and international florists. There is also the English version: Sustainable Florist and the German version: Nachhaltiger Florist. Check out this special page for buyers with all the information you need.
The Sustainable Florist has several advantages for buyers:
- Reliably secured
The criteria of the Barometer are established through fixed procedures. An independent certification body checks whether the florist meets the requirements. This is done in accordance with the European standards for product certification (ISO/IEC 17065). Certification also takes place under the supervision of the Dutch Accreditation Council. - Guide to sustainable purchasing
The certification scheme is a guideline for more sustainable procurement. It makes it easier for buyers to take sustainability into account during the procurement process. - Positive assessment by Milieu Centraal
In the Keurmerkenwijzerof the consumer information organization Milieu Centraal, the hallmark scored maximum on Control and excellent on Environment.