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Certification scheme

Sustainable Florists

Running a flower shop according to the requirements of the Sustainable Florist is often a considerable effort. For example, (part of) the assortment of flowers, plants and cut foliage is sustainable, there is care for employees, green energy, and more sustainable transport. Our sustainable florists will be happy to tell you more.


A sustainable florist nearby

More and more florists in the Netherlands are certified with the Sustainable Florist. So you can easily buy a sustainable bunch of flowers.


Crowning glory

The certificate is, according to Rick Vlieghuis, owner of Rick Vlieghuis Flower shop, the crowning glory of their work: “Because you don’t just get it. Actually, for me, it was only logical that we had to obtain this certificate. As a florist you work daily with products from nature, if we want to enjoy flowers in the future, we must be careful with the earth.”

Sustainable for more than 10 years

Flower studio De Tulp has been certified since 2010. The store started with a bronze certificate and has now achieved the gold level. The reason for going up for certification at the time was twofold. “Initially, we did it from a drive of our own,” says owner Hopmans. “My husband and I have a lot of feeling for the environment and it made sense for us to do something with it.” Flower Studio De Tulp continues: “Companies are starting to make their business operations and purchasing more sustainable, or are being forced to do so by the government. With this certificate, we hope to anticipate this trend.” And that has been a good decision.

Prove and inspection

Flower studio In de Roos has been purchasing more sustainably for several years and got certified in 2018.

Owner Van der Veen says: “More and more consumers and the business community are asking for sustainable flowers or a sustainable policy, but what good is sustainable purchasing or a policy if it is not verified? With the Sustainable Florist, sustainable purchasing can be shown in black and white on the invoice, but customers can also opt for a 100 percent sustainable bouquet.”

Find a Florist

You searched for:   Bloemenweelde Amsterdam


Bloemenweelde Amsterdam
de Clercqstraat 112-114
1052 NN Amsterdam
+31 (0)206168704
Brand / Type:
Purchase percentage realized sustainable flowers: 41,25%

Registrationnumbers (Valid until)
SGS 32643 (07/04/2026)

- Sustainable Florist (silver level)